среда, 10 января 2018 г.

You Need To Eat This If You Have Hair Loss, Brittle Nails Or You’re Not Sleeping Well

You Need To Eat This If You Have Hair Loss, Brittle Nails Or You’re Not Sleeping Well

It may interest you to know that adrenal gland issues can affect the health of your hair, nails and even your sleep quality.

Your adrenal glands are located on the top part of your kidneys and they are endocrine glands. These glands are responsible for the release of several hormones, such as steroids and adrenaline.

The importance of these hormones cannot be overemphasized, as they help to regulate your blood pressure, boost your immunity and your rate of metabolism.

Your body is better equipped to handle stress with these hormones released in your body, so any obstruction to the function of the adrenal glands can lead to a myriad of health problems.

You can get your adrenal gland up and running again with a homemade natural recipe involving the use of Brazilian walnuts.

Here’s what you require and how this remedy is prepared:

  • Pure natural honey
  • Parsley leaves (Dried)
  • Ginger (Ground)
  • Brazilian walnuts
  • Raisins


  • The first thing you need to do is to incorporate the dried parsley leaves and Brazilian walnuts into a blender and blend them.
  • Next, add your raisins, ground ginger and pure honey.
  • Blend the entire ingredients until you have a homogeneous mixture.


  • Consume two tablespoons of this homemade, natural adrenal gland boosting remedy early in the morning before breakfast and on an empty stomach.
  • You should take this dosage twice or thrice in an entire week. By so doing, you will give your adrenal gland a boost and you will immediately see and feel changes in your body. Your quality of sleep will improve, your hair will look healthy and it’s natural lustre would be obvious for all to see and your nails will not break off at the slightest aggravation. They will be healthy and very strong.

Original article and pictures take ourhealthyvision.com site

вторник, 9 января 2018 г.

With Only 2 Cups A Day For 1 Week Your Stomach Will Be Flatter!

With Only 2 Cups A Day For 1 Week Your Stomach Will Be Flatter!

The desire of lots of people is to have a flat stomach. Sadly, you cannot just exercise your method to it. A lot involves exactly what you put into your mouth.

Do you have excess fat in your abdomen location and want to get rid of it when and for all? Fortunately, today we will show you a beverage that is really reliable to assist us achieve a flat abdominal area.

This beverage is exceptional due to the fact that it assists you to prevent the increase of weight.

With this healthy drink you have many benefits since you can cleanse the organ system completely and get rid of harmful contaminants, it likewise enhances brain activity and function, and helps avoid fluid retention.


Active ingredients:

  • 1 cup freshly squeezed juice of organic grapefruit.
  • 1 teaspoon pure natural honey.
  • 2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar.

Note: You can change grapefruit juice with orange juice.


Location the ingredients in a mixer and mix till smooth and homogenous.

How to consume:

Take this beverage before lunch or supper, for 7 days or up until you see improvements in the midsection, and after that duplicate the treatment for another 7 days.

One serving of grapefruit has just 53 calories and about 2 grams of fiber. Research study has actually likewise found that consuming half a grapefruit before every meal can lead to greater weight loss in dieters.

Apple cider vinegar promotes digestion, it likewise decreases the quantity of time that fats stays in the gastrointestinal system. It is essential that your body gets a possibility to eliminate crucial nutrients from your food, and conditions that contribute to diarrhea can be life-threatening. But at the exact same time, it can be unhealthy to have food remain in the intestines for too long. If fats present longer than necessary throughout food digestion, more fats will be taken in.

Many individuals ask: Isn’t really honey a type of sugar? Doesn’t it contribute to weight gain? Won’t the calories in honey negate weight loss efforts?

That is proper, because honey does include sugar. Nevertheless, unlike refined sugar, honey contains beneficial vitamins and minerals too. Refined table sugar, which people often use to sweeten their food, is thought about a source of “empty calories”, meaning that there is no ulterior advantage to eating them. Source: www.publichealthabc.com

Original article and pictures take polr.me site

вторник, 26 декабря 2017 г.

What Your Sleeping Position With a Partner Says About Your Relationship

What Your Sleeping Position With a Partner Says About Your Relationship

When we go to sleep, our subconscious takes over. Surprisingly, people are extremely honest while sleeping and they cannot fake their body language. The sleeping positions of you and your partner can be quite accurate when it comes to describing what goes on in a relationship. In which one do you recognize yourself?


Sleeping on the opposite sides of the bed means partners need space in their relationship. However, if this happens occasionally, it may indicate they just need a good night’s sleep.


This position signifies the different needs of the partners. They both like different things from their relationship: the one lacks space and the other needs more intimacy.


If the woman sleeps on her partner’s shoulder, it means that she is dependent on him. If you are like this, you need to learn how to live without him and be more independent.


This position is also known as pillow talk because it expresses the good contact and conversation partners have.


This position includes the man laying on his back and the woman placing her head on his chest. It usually takes place when the relationship is fresh.


Partners are turned face to face and their legs are intertwined for a few minutes or until they fall asleep. This position shows that the couple is independent, intimate, and sexually active.


This position shows that the male partner needs love and care.


The female being in the spoon means that her partner loves and protects her.


When their backs are touching, the partners are comfortable, intimate and relaxed in their relationship.


When partners’ backs are not touching, it means that there is love and connection in the relationship, but they are independent too. Article source: www.dailyhealthgen.com

Original article and pictures take i0.wp.com site

четверг, 21 декабря 2017 г.

What Your Poop Says About You (For Serious)

What Your Poop Says About You (For Serious)

The Unusual Link Between Alzheimer's and Coconut Oil (Watch)
The Unusual Link Between Alzheimer's and Coconut Oil (Watch)

We Say GoodBye To Sally Fields
We Say GoodBye To Sally Fields

After Weeks Of Rumors, Joanna Gaines Comes Clean
After Weeks Of Rumors, Joanna Gaines Comes Clean

Original article and pictures take wp.me site

вторник, 19 декабря 2017 г.

What Your Fingernails are Trying to Tell You About Your Health

What Your Fingernails are Trying to Tell You About Your Health

What Nails Reveal About Your Overall Health

1. Clubbing

If you have enlarged and downward-curved nails it might mean that you are suffering from lung disease and low level of oxygen in your blood. Also, it might indicate AIDS, inflammatory bowel disease, heart disease and liver disease.

2. White Spots

White spots are not actually a very serious problem, therefore, they will either grow or fade. Nail trauma contributes to this. However, sometimes, if they do not disappear it might mean that you have a fungal infection.

3. Horizontal Ridges

These ridges can be caused by nail trauma or a serious health problem with a high fever, like scarlet fever and pneumonia. Actually, these ridges are directly caused by trauma to the nail. They can be also caused by a serious health issue. In this case, they are noticed on more than one nail at a time. Moreover, they can also be caused by severe zinc deficiency, circulatory disease, uncontrolled diabetes or psoriasis. Some discolorations can be associated with carbon monoxide poisoning, arsenic poisoning, leprosy, malaria, or Hodgkin’s disease.

4. Vertical Ridges

What might lead to vertical ridges is aging. These can become more prominent as you get older. They could be caused by magnesium or B12 deficiency. This means that they are not that dangerous.

5. Spoon Nails

You may suffer from hypothyroidism, heart disease, excess iron absorption or iron-deficiency anemia if your nails curve upward at the edges.

6. Pitting

You might suffer from psoriasis if your nails have multiple dents or pits. This can be also triggered by alopecia areata, which is an autoimmune disorder which contributes to hair loss, or connective tissue disorders like Reiter’s syndrome.

7. Dark Discolorations

If you have painful growths or black streaks on your nails it may mean that you suffer from melanoma. This is the deadliest type of skin cancer. Thus, if you experience this, please visit a dermatologist.

8. White Nails with a Strip of Pink

If your nails are white with a pink strip at the top it might mean that you suffer from congestive heart failure, diabetes, kidney failure, or liver disease. Even though these nails can happen due to aging, you should consult a dermatologist to be safe.

9. Yellow Nails

A lot of things can influence your nails to become yellow, like usage of nail polish. It can happen with age or perhaps if you are a smoker. However, if they are yellow, thick and crumbly, it might mean that you have a fungal infection. Sometimes they can be associated also with a respiratory condition- bronchitis, psoriasis, diabetes or a thyroid disorder.

10. Brittle, Dry or Cracked Nails

It is normal to have these types of nails if you wash dishes, swim, or use nail polish remover often. However, if you live somewhere with low humidity and your nails are exposed to toxic chemicals a lot, you might have some of these nail abnormalities. What leads to these may be a fungal infection or a thyroid disorder, especially hypothyroidism. You can also have them due to vitamin A, B and C deficiency. Source: www.thebestremedies.com

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Original article and pictures take herbalremedy.us site

пятница, 15 декабря 2017 г.

What Is the Right Position to Sleep For Each of These Health Problems

What Is the Right Position to Sleep For Each of These Health Problems

Sleeping plays a highly important role in the people’s health. Generally, a human being sleep on average 25 years in his lifetime or 7-9 hours per night. However, it is not only important to get enough sleep but to get the right position to sleep in order to improve your overall wellbeing.

Sleeping positions affect different aspects of your body such as blood pressure, sinus infection and many other conditions. So, if you want to heal some health conditions make sure you do not focus only on how much you sleep but on your sleeping positions.

Here are 9 sleeping positions that will help you alleviate some body ailments.

1. Shoulder Pain

2. Back Pain

For back pain, your sleeping position really matters. For this condition, you should sleep in that body posture that works the best for you. According to WebMD, you should lay on your back and place a pillow under your knees and a rolled-up towel under the curve of your back.

3. Headaches

When it comes to headaches, the sleeping position can either relieve or make them worse. The Hub’s Health Expertclaims that some daily headaches usually result from twisted neck during sleeping. For this reason, surround your head with pillows in order to prevent it from turning.

4. Sinus Trouble

Your sleeping position plays a crucial role for a sinus infection, and it could be either detrimental or beneficial. Harvard Medical School recommends that you sleep with an elevated head in order to prevent the mucus from pooling in your sinuses.

5. High Blood Pressure

Before you explore any treatments, make sure you consult your doctor about the general condition of your blood pressure.

WebMD has published a report by the Ehime University School of Medicine which is focused on the way sleeping positions affect blood pressure. They found out that sleeping with your face down can significantly lower your blood pressure.

6. PMS Pain

If you suffer from painful PMS-related symptoms, certain sleeping position can alleviate this condition. According to Women’s Health Magazine, for this condition, you should place a pillow under your knees in order to prevent arching of your spine.

7. Neck Pain

If you suffer from neck pain, some additional neck support will make a significant difference. According to PainPhysicians you should take a small rolled-up towel and place it just under the neck. Also, you can place it under your pillowcase in order to fix it.

8. Digestion Trouble

The Skin Sheen recommends sleeping on the left side for better digestion. This is really important because the stomach is positioned on the left side in the human body. So, when sleeping on the left side, enables gravity to improve the digestive process.

9. Heartburn

Heartburn can be a really disturbing health condition. According to WebMD, you can best treat heartburn with sleeping on your left side.

These are just some of the sleeping positions that can improve your overall health. However, make sure you consult your doctor if you have any questions or concerns.

So, have you chosen your right position to sleep? It will definitely alleviate your health problem and improve your quality of sleep.

Original article and pictures take i0.wp.com site

пятница, 8 декабря 2017 г.

What Happens If You Wrap Your Feet With Aluminium Foil

What Happens If You Wrap Your Feet With Aluminium Foil

Aluminium foil is something that we all have it at home, because it’s very useful. On the other hand, I am are sure that you did not know what other benefits have aluminium foil, like reducing inflammation in joints or help with fatigue. Maybe sounds incredible, but the aluminium foil has many uses besides the kitchen, and you will definitely want to try them.

What Happens If You Wrap Your Feet With Aluminium Foil

Original article and pictures take usefulbeautytips.net site